🌌✨ How 150 Years of Science Transformed Humanity Forever 🌍🔬

From Einstein to AI: How Two Eras of Science Shaped Our World (1870–1945 vs. 1945–2020)

Claudia HC Sin

Founder & Host at ScienceX, Business owner of ChatCampaign Research Lab

Science has shaped the modern world in ways unimaginable just a century ago. Two revolutionary 75-year periods stand out:

➡️ Before and During WWII (1870–1945): Foundational discoveries that redefined science.
➡️ After WWII (1945–2020): Transforming theories into applied technologies that changed society.

Let’s explore how these two eras of scientific discovery paved the way for our current world—and ask the big question about where we’re headed next.


➡️🔬 1870–1945: The Era of Foundational Discoveries

This period was all about building theories, discovering natural laws, and redefining the boundaries of human knowledge. Some of the most groundbreaking discoveries came during this time:


  • Einstein’s Theory of Relativity (1905–1915): Redefined space, time, and gravity.
  • Quantum Mechanics (1920s–1930s): Changed how we understand particles, matter, and energy on the smallest scales.


  • Rediscovery of Mendel’s Genetics (1900): Laid the foundation for modern genetics.
  • Discovery of Insulin (1921): Revolutionized the treatment of diabetes and medicine as a whole.


  • Haber-Bosch Process (1909): Enabled large-scale fertilizer production, fueling the agricultural revolution and feeding billions.

Wireless Communication

  • Nikola Tesla’s Wireless Radio Communication (1890s): Paved the way for global telecommunications.


  • Early breakthroughs in engineering, like radio communication (1895), powered flight (1903), and radar (1930s), set the stage for modern innovations.

War-Driven Science

  • Nuclear Fission (1938): Led to the Manhattan Project and atomic weapons but also powered peaceful nuclear energy.

This era focused on discovering the fundamental principles of science, creating the groundwork for future innovation and societal transformation.



➡️🚀 1945–2020: The Era of Applied Science and Technological Explosion

After WWII, science shifted from foundational discoveries to large-scale applications, solving global challenges, and driving technological advancement.


  • Discovery of the Higgs Boson (2012): Confirmed the Standard Model of particle physics.
  • Gravitational Waves (2015): Validated Einstein’s predictions from a century earlier.


  • DNA Structure (1953): Unlocked molecular biology, leading to breakthroughs like the Human Genome Project (2003) and CRISPR gene editing (2012).

Space Exploration

  • Moon Landing (1969): Marked humanity’s first steps on another celestial body.
  • Exoplanet Discoveries (1995 onward): Expanded our understanding of planetary systems beyond our own.


  • Transistor (1947): Revolutionized electronics and computation.
  • The Internet (1960s): Connected the world like never before.
  • Artificial Intelligence (1956 onward): Opened the door to machines capable of learning and decision-making.

Wireless Communication

  • Building on early radio technology, this era brought satellites (Sputnik, 1957), mobile phones, and Wi-Fi (1990s), revolutionizing global connectivity.


  • Vaccines for polio (1950s) and mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines (2020) saved millions of lives.

This era was defined by applying earlier discoveries to create technologies that transformed society on a global scale.



⚡ The Big Question: Where Are the New Groundbreaking Theories?

It’s been nearly 80 years since the last major scientific revolutions that redefined natural laws. Why haven’t we seen new, paradigm-shifting theories?

  • Have we hit the limits of human understanding?
  • Are there breakthroughs waiting to be uncovered but still undisclosed?
  • Or are we simply in a phase of refinement and application before the next big leap?


All opinions and advice in this blog post are solely those of the author and do not reflect the views of the platform or any collaboration partners.

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🌌✨ How 150 Years of Science Transformed Humanity Forever 🌍🔬

From Einstein to AI: How Two Eras of Science Shaped Our World (1870–1945 vs. 1945–2020)

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