Mindreading, Brain Entrainment, Remote Communication, and Neuromodulation: No Longer Science Fiction

Imagine a world where your thoughts can be decoded, your consciousness influenced, and communication happens without a single word spoken aloud. This isn’t a dystopian episode of Black Mirror.

What is Man-Made Remote Telepathy and How Far Are We From It? 🤔🧠💡

The concept of remote telepathy—direct communication between minds—has long been a staple of science fiction. But how close are we to making it a reality using modern neuroscience? 🧬

Intuition in Decision-Making: Good or Bad? 🤔

When should we trust our intuition, and when does it lead us astray? Scientists tell this in their research paper...

How Gut Microbiota Influence Your Life 🦠🌱

Your gut microbiota—trillions of bacteria, fungi, and other microbes in your GI tract(or gastrointestinal tract, which means gut)—play a vital role in your health + mental health, influencing digestion, immunity, and even brain function.

🌌 The Map of Physics: Where Size and Speed Define Reality 🌟

From the motion of planets to the mysteries of subatomic particles, explore how the universe changes depending on scale and velocity—and uncover the fascinating principles that govern it all. 🌌✨

🌌✨ How 150 Years of Science Transformed Humanity Forever 🌍🔬

From Einstein to AI: How Two Eras of Science Shaped Our World (1870–1945 vs. 1945–2020)